NieR: Automata is fucking awesome.

Platinum Games

So growing up I was an avid gamer, heck till around 3 or 4 years ago I was still pretty hard core. I stopped playing because life, my job and school conspired to screw me out of video games. So I haven’t really been gaming that much. I still play every now and then, but not like before where I would wake up on a Saturday then spend the whole day killing stuff.

So this last weekend I was kinda bored at home so I decided to look at steam. Wasn’t actually looking for anything, just browsing. I saw NieR: Automata on sale and on a whim decided to buy it. My logic was simple, play it for an hour or so and get a refund when don’t like it. I’ve played Nier before and honestly didn’t really like it, so I wasn’t hopeful about NieR: Automata.

But I was wrong, oh so wrong

I downloaded it, started it up and for the first time in years remembered why I loved video games. In short, NieR: Automata is fun. Maybe it’s just me but games recently are slowly loosing their ability to be fun. I think maybe the problem with the current drive to turn games into services is that sometimes you loose the fun aspect of gaming, but that’s a topic for another time.

I love NieR: Automata, and by far the best part of the game thus far is the desert boss battle. Without spoiling it I’ll say there is a desert battle, it’s challenging, it’s fast paced but doable. The setup and the music was perfect. I found my self with this huge shit eating grin, dancing side to side along with the beat while fighting that boss and I can honestly say that’s the most fun I’ve had with a video game in the last few years.

Bloody brilliant.


I can no longer get a refund for NeiR: Automata but honestly, I don’t actually want one. I’m playing this to the end and I hope to God, there are more moments like this.

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