Category: Work

  • Development Log

    Development Log

    During my work career I’ve learnt to keep a diary of the things I do. It helps to document all the new things you encounter during your day, that way when you meet similar problems down the line you won’t have to start the research process all over again. Currently, I keep all that data…

  • A part of all I earn

    A part of all I earn

    I’ve divided the Michael Principals into two parts, the Personal Laws and the Financial Laws. This is the first of the Financial Laws. Just like the first Personal Law it’s a very simple statement with profound meaning which is easy to grasp but harder to put in practice.   A part of all I earn…

  • The root

    The root

    For the last couple of months I have had bit of a rough time, everything I went through is not the topic of this post, just the root cause, but I feel I need to introduce a little back story for you to understand why I’m writing.