Jenkins update
So a few weeks ago I started a project to install Jenkins and set up CI/CD on my projects. Well just after I started that project I had a series of big life changes that put that on hold for a few weeks. I left my old job and have been reorganising my life, getting…
Setting up Jenkins
This is part 1 of my CI/CD experiment. In this post, I’ll be focusing on getting Jenkins up and running. This build was supposed to take me 15 to 30 minutes but I kept running into issues that needed fixing that ballooned that time to a few hours. I haven’t mentioned them here but I’ve…
Setting up my own CI/CD
So I’m a fan of automation because I don’t like repeating stuff and I’m lazy. One of the things I learned at my job is to automate CI/CD. I had a little time during the weekend and I decided to actually implement my own CI/CD setup and decided that since I’m going to do it…